On Sunday August 11th 7 of us showed up to try our luck at Fiesta Island from 8:00-10:00 for. I have found in the past that if I visit the island twice a year the hunting is pretty good. It was also just after Over The Line and the Fourth. So much for that thought, unfortunately in spite of the 2 events plus the large summer crowds the only thing that was in abundance was trash, lots and lots of trash. The trash cans are all over the place, but apparently people are too lazy to walk 50 feet to use them, it is really sad to see. Rich Hegyi filled the back of his new truck with bottles and cans and I picked up 25 cans at one stop and an abandoned 2 gallon gas can.
As far as the finds go:
Rich Hegyi 8 targets $1.00 and the bottles and cans
Mitch Birenbaum 6 targets $ 0.32 and a gold bracelet (find of the day)
Bruce Madsen 5 targets $0.18 Pencil, tent stake
Jim Jupena 4 targets $0.46
Neil Webber 4 targets $0.28 a license plate (he is still looking for the rest of the car)
Jerryk 4 targets $0.14 cans, tent stake, 2 gallon gas can
Gabe Clum 2 targets $0.11 lots of trash
Sept detecting will be on the 8th from 8-10:00 at TBA (someplace with less trash and more potential)
Also, the night metal detecting at Bonita Cove with a picnic dinner of hot dogs and hamburgers on Sept. 22nd